Shock 2020 – Emotions, Innovations, Decisions

Virtuālā īskonference “Šoks 2020: Emocijas, inovācijas, lēmumi” ir nacionāla līmeņa diskusija OECD globālā pasākuma Government After Shock ietvaros. Īskonferencē atskatīsimies uz Latvijas […]

Gobernar después del shock

Este evento busca facilitar una conversación entre el gobierno, la sociedad civil, la iniciativa privada, la academia y el público en general […]

Government after Shock – Regierungen im Wandel

Government After Shock ist eine globale Initiative, die vom Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI) der OECD initiiert und koordiniert wird. Unterstützt […]

Silver linings: beyond the silos


Silver linings: beyond the silos Emerging from COVID-19: Working towards a connected future for the Northern Territory. COVID-19 is teaching us that […]

Government After Shock – Latvia


The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken our understanding of the world and how things should work. The aftershocks of it will undoubtedly ripple […]

Building Back Better, Together


Building Back Better, Together: The role of government and start-ups in the Covid-19 recovery As a part of the Government After Shock […]

Anticipatory Innovation Starter Kit

In an era of crisis and complexity, public sector organisations need a way to engage with uncertainty and experiment and innovate their […]

Governance after shock

The aim of the event is to create an opportunity for open dialogue about the experience of governance and operational functioning of […]

The New Reality and Innovative Responses


Prompted by the plethora of complex problems unearthed by the global pandemic, governments have experimented with new ways of addressing urgent social […]