Innovation Week 2020
VirtualDo you also feel that we are stuck in time, without being able to find alternatives for the crisis? A feeling that […]
Do you also feel that we are stuck in time, without being able to find alternatives for the crisis? A feeling that […]
The COVID-19 pandmic has shaken our understanding of the world and how things should work. The aftershocks of it will undoubtedly ripple […]
PART I: Rethinking and rebuilding through innovation – local and thematically grounded conversations focusing on insights from the frontline
GovComms Festival is an online event, bringing together public sector professionals to connect, engage and learn about new methods of communicating. This […]
Tapaamisen teemaan virittävinä kysymyksinä ovat kaikille yhteiset: 1) Mitä jätämme taakse? 2) Mitä säilytämme? 3) Mitä voisimme tehdä toisin?
Datos e Inteligencia Artificial durante y después de la pandemia: usos, aprendizajes y perspectivas para el sector público En medio de la […]
The global pandemic has brought into sharp focus a reality that has been growing for some time: that the current models for […]
The global pandemic has brought into sharp focus a reality that has been growing for some time: that the current models for […]
Imagine a bird flying forward while looking back, with an egg in its beak. It carries the future, as well as the […]
It is hard to overstate the scale of the shock COVID-19 has administered to our economies and communities. The current crisis is […]
The African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM) through the 4th Industrial Revolution Committee is pleased to host the Embracing the […]
The global pandemic has brought into sharp focus a reality that has been growing for some time: that the current models for […]
Virtuālā īskonference “Šoks 2020: Emocijas, inovācijas, lēmumi” ir nacionāla līmeņa diskusija OECD globālā pasākuma Government After Shock ietvaros. Īskonferencē atskatīsimies uz Latvijas […]
Este evento busca facilitar una conversación entre el gobierno, la sociedad civil, la iniciativa privada, la academia y el público en general […]
This event will be held in Greek. Innovation Management for Administrative Capacity Development in the public sector: What we have learned from […]
During the turbulent times of COVID outbreak there have been numerous innovative solutions – both nationally and locally – to address societal […]
The Kaartdijin Innovation Centre is hosting Life Disrupted; a series of activities across the South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) in Perth, Western […]
Government After Shock ist eine globale Initiative, die vom Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI) der OECD initiiert und koordiniert wird. Unterstützt […]