Dialogues Network: Creative Bureaucracy Festival


The Creative Bureaucracy Festival is a global platform for (re-)imagining bureaucracies and cross-sector collaboration for better social outcomes. It strives to identify […]

Dialogues Network: H22 Summit


H22 Summit H22 Summit will be a digital hybrid event this year. We have exciting times ahead where we’ll be rethinking how […]

Innovation Week 2020


Do you also feel that we are stuck in time, without being able to find alternatives for the crisis? A feeling that […]

Beyond the pandemic: Visions of the future


The COVID-19 crisis has seen ideas that were once considered impossible now becoming part of our everyday lives. Now, more than ever […]

GovComms Festival


GovComms Festival is an online event, bringing together public sector professionals to connect, engage and learn about new methods of communicating. This […]

Innovaatioverkoston marraskuun tapaaminen


Tapaamisen teemaan virittävinä kysymyksinä ovat kaikille yhteiset: 1) Mitä jätämme taakse? 2) Mitä säilytämme? 3) Mitä voisimme tehdä toisin?  

Shock 2020 – Emotions, Innovations, Decisions

Virtuālā īskonference “Šoks 2020: Emocijas, inovācijas, lēmumi” ir nacionāla līmeņa diskusija OECD globālā pasākuma Government After Shock ietvaros. Īskonferencē atskatīsimies uz Latvijas […]