Maria de Fátima de Jesus Fonseca is currently the Portuguese Government’s Secretary of State for Innovation and Administrative Modernization.

Ms. Fonseca holds a Master in Administration and Public Policy from the Higher Institute of Labor and Business Sciences and graduated in Law from the University of Lisbon, and is preparing her doctoral thesis in public policies. From 2011 to 2017, she was the Municipal Director of Human Resources at the Lisbon City Council. Previously, Ms. Fonseca served as Municipal Director of Central Services at the same institution, was responsible for the area of ​​administrative modernization, was Director of the Municipal Modernization Office of the Amadora City Council and Director of the Models Development and Organizational Innovation Unit of the Institute for Innovation in the State Administration. She was also a lawyer, consultant, trainer, participated in the Restructuring Program of the Central Administration of the State.

She is the author of several articles, manuals and book chapters in her areas of expertise.
She is co-author of the books “Public Administration: modernization, quality and innovation” and “Governance, Innovation and Technologies: the Network State and the Public Administration of the Future”.

She is Ambassador of the Decent Work Objective, of the Alliance for Sustainable Development Goals – UN Global Compact Network (Portugal). She was Secretary of State for Administration and Public Employment in the XXI Constitutional Government.